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A Basic Tutorial on UTAU, OREMO, and SetParam for Making and Using Voicebanks

Voicebank Extras


If you open a voicebank on UTAU, you may notice a few things on the upper left-hand corner.

There’s an actual name and an image icon for the voicebank?!


And if you click on the image, this pops up:

Woah! How did a description appear out of nowhere?!


Easy: a “character.txt” file and a “readme.txt” file, both in the folder with all your recordings.


The character.txt file is what you need to use for all the specs to show up (boxed in red).

To make a character.txt file, simply create one in the voicebank folder with these contents:

  • The name is the name that will show up on the main screen of UTAU, underneath the icon.

  • The author is the name that will show up in the spec box.

  • The image is the icon that will be used on the main screen and on the spec screen.

    • This image needs to be a .bmp file that is 100px by 100px large. The default, if this is not specified, is just a gray box.

  • The sample is the file that will be played whenever you click the “Sample” button on the spec screen.

    • This can be any audio file, though .wav is recommended. If this is not specified, a random .wav recording will play from the voicebank folder.

*NOTE: As for UTAU design, you can really design the character however you want. Often times, a VOCALOID-like design or derivative is used, but some people like to make animal or object designs as well.


You can see the UTAU Wikia or UTAU Wiki for an idea on what some people’s voicebanks and characters look like.

The rest of the entries in the spec box (ie. “files,” “size,” “uses,” “freq avg,” “logical range,” and “voices”) are auto-generated by UTAU.


Next, we’ll create a readme.txt file. In this file, you can type whatever you want, and that will show up in the larger box on the spec screen. (boxed in blue)

Most people type character, contact, and usage info in this box.


Of course, all these extras are not needed to create a voicebank; however, it looks much nicer and more professional if you do!

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