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A Basic Tutorial on UTAU, OREMO, and SetParam for Making and Using Voicebanks

Downloading UTAU

Downloading UTAU           

First and foremost, download UTAU. That’d probably be useful.


To download UTAU, go to the official site:


Download the most recent version (most likely the “v0.4…” etc. link under the “DOWNLOAD” heading). Unzip and install.


Since you’d most likely want UTAU to be in English, download this patch:


Extract, and you’ll see there is a “res” folder in the zip file.

Navigate your file directory until you find where you downloaded UTAU (probably “C:/Program Files (x86)/UTAU” or something similar to that). Opening the UTAU folder, you see that there is also a “res” folder in there.


Copy-paste the “res” folder in the zip file to the UTAU folder. It’ll ask you if you want to replace or merge the two “res” folders together. Say “yes” and just replace everything.

Now, if you open UTAU, everything should be in English!!



Downloading OREMO and SetParam           

Next, we’ll download OREMO, the software you’ll use to record your voicebank.


Download the official English version here:

Simply unzip it, and that’s it.


And then we’ll download SetParam, the software you’ll use to oto your voicebank (again, more on “oto” later).


Download the official English version here:

Unzip it, and then you’re set!

Downloading OREMO and SetParam

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